Sunday, July 5, 2009


I dont write in this anymore much.I dont get much time to my self anymore or so it seems and it sucks.I stopped talking to alot of people and even cool ass people from my old job but whatever i been busy and shit happens.PMV Lounge is in full swing and its going really good,people are diggin the Lounge and i am glad.oh oh i am super excited cuz this Birthday is gonna be the best ,i'm gonna be traveling a bit around that time and cant wait,i know for sure i will be going to Cali for my birthday then after that there has been some talks about Florida with some friends but i am not too sure about that one 100 % but i will know about it for sure sometime in the next two weeks,Cali is a for sure tho.alright well i am off i am gonna go grill some burgers : D

Monday, May 11, 2009


Well its been awhile since i even posted anything,not like it matter cuz no one read this blog but its nice to get stuff off my chest.Nothing really new going on ,just working my new job and working on the band stuff and at the same time trying to this the club/bar ready for opening weekend next month.I cant wait.People have been asking me why i cant say where its at.All i can say is that in the next few weeks i will be telling people about it.I dont wanna go all out and scream and tell every one about it cuz there are tons of people i do not want over so thats why i want to keep it very low key ,plus its a private invite only party.All i can say is that dont be little me and it with out even coming over once.So far we got the sound system going and it sounds fucking sweet,got to do a few touch ups here and there,need to get the lights set and that shold not take much longer and then we r good.The hardest part is the money.trying to pay bills and then trying to buy stuff with left over money.....its hard but i am trying to. As far as the band,its going pretty good.we got about 3 songs down and we r writing more so its going pretty good.nice and heavy just like i like it.The new job is going pretty smooth,its taking me a hard time getting use to talking to a customer on the phone in spanish and telling them all these technical things while at the same time writing.But i am sure i will get the hang of it in the next few weeks.

on a side note,I will be going to DEMF and the after partys next weekend! Should be fun as fuck yo..... cant wait

well i got nothing else i am tired so i am off to lay down before bed .peace

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Little Bit

I have not posted anything in a while.I guess thats because i have been busy with life heh.I got a new job ,i hope that goes well.Its a office job doing computer support which i like : D I think it will go well.

I got an iPhone and i fucking love it.I have never enjoyed a phone so much like i do an iPhone.I am glad i got it

been working on this new band and doing the DJ at the same time,its most def taking alot of my time but i think in the end it will be worth it once i'm back on stage rocking the crowd like i use to.

As far as the club ,alot of people keep asking me whats going on,where its at and so forth.All i can say is be ready for summer time party time!Its in the D and it will for sure be a good time.We are almost some painting to do as well as putting the finishing touches on the DJ both.After that we r in good time, just need a few finishing touches like bathrooms and the bar area.Its nothing that cant be taken care of in the next few weeks.I know for sure we will be open by late May,Early June and its gonna be a fucking blast.MOst likely gonna be private only for a little bit so that way we can see how many people we can get in.But i am not worried cuz with the stuff we r gonna be doing and the people coming in,should not be a problem

anyways too much info i guess at this moment ,maybe i should of never let that out but oh well no one ever reads this.If they do great.if not oh well im not hurtin by it.I write on her to get stuff off my chest and to well to tell you the able to write.i use to love to write but after the years its gone down hills,i dont feel the need to anymore.I know my posts are very very short but thats cuz i am lazy haha

alright im out of here cuz i want to work on his song

I have "I'll beat that bitch with a bat" stuck in my head for the past week.Man i fucking love that song

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It seems

It seems things are starting to fall into place for the most part and im very happy about that

Monday, March 9, 2009


I have been thinking of selling my Labtop and using the money i make off it and buy a newer one.It been a thought of mine for a while but i think i might just do it once my taxes come in.I mean fuck a new Macbook Pro right now $1,899.99.Thats not bad .I know my buddy had the same computer i got and sold his for $1,200. If i could get that and save up and get the 1899 i would for sure .shit all i would need to do is save $8009(with taxes n all).its that or i can get a iMac and use that as my home computer and buy a older mac like a Powerbook just for music or recording on the go .Idk its kind of just a thought right now.I am gonna give it some thought in the next few days i just hope someone can buy it from me soon if i put it up for sale tho.It runs very well,never had a probleme withb it but i want to get a faster computer even tho its fast now

Saturday, February 28, 2009


it makes me luagh when i see these couples who are in "Love" with one another and take all these myspace pics and well pretty much talk about there"love" none stop but within a few months span its over and they move on with some one else.WTF.people now a days are just plane out stupid.I dont know about you but when i say I love you to someone its because i mean it.For me it takes a long long time for me to even say i love you to someone.First time i said it,i know it took me about 6 months but not just that it took me 6 months to even open up and KIND of feel those feelings.Shit it took me 6 months to feel comfortable.If you really think about it,love really isnt a feeling.What do you feel when your in love......comfort! You eyes see what they want you to see. Oh well i dont want to really get into it right saying that i need to be on the road right now so i need to get in my car. But i hope you get what i mean. It bothers me when people say they love there girl or guy after being with each other for 2 months or less.....pfff

this blog post didnt make any sense but thats cool cuz im in a hurry and felt like posting something

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stanky Leg

damn dude
i miss the old days when big hair and vhs tapes were the shit.I remember watching concerts on tv and seeing millions of people at them.Shit like that dont happen now a days,its pretty sad.its also sad that now a days rapers have a back track playing and they only rap over some parts,that to me is not worth my money to go see.

i wish they would make City Slickers 3 lol.I loved part one and two,they were the shit! great movies indeed

Zimmerman sent me some nice kick drums and loops this week and Mike Mikhjian sent me some demos of his new songs,that was pretty weird .have not spoke to that guy in months but i am glad he is still thinking of me : D

i rented Jason X. I had not seen it in a very long time,i own it on VHS but was in the mood for it so i said fuck it ill get it and watch it again.Man that was a bad idea,that movie was soooooooooo bad hahaha

went to City Club with mike and some friends a few days ago. It was weird cuz i had not gone there in months and i can say for once there was some "OK" looking woman.Not going to go and say they were hot as fuck but they were ok. It was a different crowd there this time around,had the goth kids along with the metal heads but i also seen the clubber crowd. I think maybe there wasnt anything to do that nighyt and they all came there or its because Bleu shut down and some of them have no where to go .IDK maybe i am over thinking it cuz they always have Oslo and The Works .The Works opend at 1 Am that night so that might have been why there was a diverse group of people there.

oh well

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Been chillin as of late ,hangin out with my buddy Mike and Neil alot.Not much to really do.It feels good to know that summer is gettin closer and closer.I cant wait cuz this winter is getting old as fuck.oh well i guess one more month of this and the weather should start to get better by a little bit.I cant wait tho like i said.Plus i got my California trip all planned out i just got to buy my plane tickets sometime during the next months .Its gonna be cheap cuz its only for a weekend .Gonna go chill with some family because i need it really bad ,not just that, i need to get away from this state for one.Its been a while since i had a vacation .I was thinking maybe for my birthday but i doubt i can wait that long ,its cool cuz i got some things planned out there with my brother and we got a few things up our sleeves.Fuck i might just see how things r out there and stay there .Might have to give it a few months after to move but i dont know.Its hard letting go of Detroit but with the way thigns are i think its a must.Oh well those are my thoughts .....not yours.Anyways,dont you hate when people say things just to spite you? Fuck , thats is the dumbest shit ever man .I have noticed a few people who have been doing that in my life and its getting very annoying but oh well i guess thats how they are.The club was crazy last night.It was funny seeing girls all pilled out lmao,i have not seen that in a while.I love how i have seen all the stuff you see on 70's movies hahaha.

im out

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Man i have been buying alot of music off line as of late. I feel good about it. I use to never ever want to buy music but steal it off line i guess.But i have been thinking about it alot and i know i for sure would love to get paid if i was in the music biz ya know. There is a catch to this by the way lol. I will buy EDM Legally, meaning techno or house or trance. The reason is because well half that stuff is no longer on records and they never make there way to the US if they are in cd's.If they do i am very lucky to get my hands on it ya know. EDM is not as big as over seas . Fuck man you go to sweden or the netherlands and you will have mine stream radio stations playing trance & techno .Thats fucking amazing man. Think of it the rap stations here are the techno & trance station over there. BUT when it comes to rap music or metal or even hardcore i will just download that shit off line.Not all the time though i have been in the mood of really buying the cd's at shows now a days to get the cd with the cover art and the full cd sound and all ya know, i dunno i am weird i guess, but only EDM for me as being legal and the rest is a free for all pretty much heh

So it seems like my calender is getting filled as summer time is is heading our way. Its gonna be one crazy summer i think. Im 21 now and can get into better clubs

Gigs so far,
Feb 13 2009 10:00A
Friday The 13th @ MJR

Feb 14 2009 10:00P
Mcnasty,Tweek,DJ Seoul,Ronin Selecta @ The Works @ the Works

Feb 20 2009 7:00P
Don’s Birthday @ Detroit

Mar 10 2009 4:30P
Taste Of Chaos Tour w/ Thursday,Bring Me The Horizon @ The Fillmore @ The Fillmore

Mar 13 2009 10:00P
Cedric Gervais w/ Shawn Michaels @ Nine Lounge @ Nine Lounge

Mar 14 2009 10:00P
STACEY PULLEN w/ John Johr @ Nine Lounge @ Nine Lounge

Mar 17 2009 6:00P
Bleeding Through,As Blood Runs Black,Acacia Strain @ Majestic Theatre @ Majestic Theatre

Mar 21 2009 6:00P
Winds Of Plague, Terror, All Shall Perish, & The Ghost Inside@The Majestic @ The Majestic Theatre

Mar 28 2009 6:00P
Cold @ Harpos @ Harpos

Apr 4 2009 10:00P
Blake Jarrell w/ Rob Perry @ Nine Lounge @ Nine Lounge

Apr 18 2009 10:00P
Chris Lake w/ Anthony Attalla @ Nine Lounge @ Nine Lounge

Apr 21 2009 7:00P
Parkway Drive, Stick To Your Guns, & Mychildren Mybride @Magic Stick @ Magic Stick

May 6 2009 6:00P

May 22 2009 10p
The Works pre DEMF party @ The Works

May 23 2009 12P
DEMF Day # 1 @ Hart Plaza

May 24 2009 12p
DEMF Day # 2 @ Hart Plaza

May 24 2009 10p
Sander Van Doorn @ Nine Lounge

May 25 2009 12p
DEMF Day # 3 @ Hart Plaza

*DEMF Weekend is set for now because i dont know what after parties are going down each night except Sanders show at NL*

this is what i have lined up to go to so far.not ad, and i know april will be filled with some good shit too for sure

Cant wait for DEMF this year! I miss it so much

Friday, February 6, 2009


I just watched the following and they were all fucking amazing! i would highly recommend them.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mixed Signals

Fuck i really hate when girls give off mixed signals. That shit is just annoying. It drives me crazy and makes my blood boil. To top that, half the time they dont know what they want and that for sure is just a sign that your fucking stupid


Friday, January 30, 2009

Black Mags

Fuckin a! i really love The Cool Kids!

dont you just hate when people add you on myspace and never talk to you after lol.That is one of my pet peeves man,fuckin hate that shit. Most of the time its people i use to know in high school and its really nice to talk to them but they dont say shit and when i try to "brake the ice" and start a convo over a msg or a comment ,always get the smallest bullshit talk if that at all.I dunno its just annoying.

Cool Kids - " Black Mags "

Thursday, January 22, 2009


sometimes i think about dating and how nice it is to meet new people and see what is out there.But to tell you the truth i feel scared as fuck by doing that hahaha.To me it just seems like when you meet a new person and you feel that chemistry ,you after a while come off like a job seeker.Really,think about it.I know i felt like that sometimes in the beginning of my past relationships.As if i were the job seeker and she is the employer lol.Its weird to me but i guess thats how it goes if ya wanna really get with that person or in some cases ,get the pussy,man too much thought and time and most cases alot of money just to get to that point where your happy.

oh well ,i thats how life goes

Saturday, January 17, 2009

More Than Meets The Eye

got my hands on the Transformers 2 poster !some of you already seen it so thats cool BUT.........the web site is back up and has the poster thingy up so check it out.I also got my hands on some new pics , i was super excited to see miss Fox back in the movie,man thats one woman i would just knock up on purpose just so other guys can see i hit it.yes i know it sounds bad but deal with it lol

anyways im off to bed its like 1:30am and i could not go to the club tonight cuz of the club and the bad temperature out. so with that being said im off to bed

Thursday, January 15, 2009

94 Hours

Damn , i am gonna go see As I Lay Dying in the next few months.I have not seen them since i was in 8th grade.They have come a long way.Fuck, they even won grammys.I remember seeing them at the shelter when i was in 8th grade with my friends moshing it up.Back then they didnt have a fan base like they do now so it would be a good hand full of people who knew about these guys and a good hand full of people who would stick around to check em out,i love that shit man.And i must say when me and my boys got in the pit,i ownd that shit son.Those days are long gone now though i must say.after braking my knees and ankles from moshing i think my moshin days are over for sure haha

I saw As I Lay Dying around the time this was filmed,no joke


now they are like this lol

im excited,i cant wait to see them again

Monday, January 12, 2009

Club in the works

Club and party place is in the works and will not be open untill the spring time.If you didnt know me and my partner have gotten together with a friend of ours to well pretty much get a club going or maybe just a party place.I cant say at the moment where its at and or whats gonna be our full plans for it just yet .But what i can say is that it will be black as fuck with a full bar along with tvs and a DJ booth that i first hand am gonna be designing that will cater to my self and other DJ's alike to go along with a sound system that will make your girlfriend cream in her pants every time she feels the bass it a underground thing if you may but i know for sure its gonna be the spot among our little circle of people we party with and a vast amount of other people.I can not wait,i am super excited to be apart of this.I will be in the need of a artist to come help us with some art stuff we wanna do but wont happen untill the last phase of the project right before opening.Anyways we r gonna have this thing going off the fucking hook and i cant wait like i said.I will keep you guys posted when i have more update for ya guys....if you care that is lol

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Sometimes i feel like i let alot of opportunities past me by.I do feel like the biggest idiot when i realize this but i think we all do.There are so many things that i wish i can take back but i know shit happens for a reason.Like i always say,you live and you learn.In the end i know all the mistakes that i have made have made me who i am today.....that can be for the good or the bad but whatever i am who i am ,if someone doesnt like it ,well they can go fuck off

Friday, January 9, 2009

Return Of The Phantom Strange

The Unborn was shitty ,just like every horror movie that has came out so far.

on the bright side i for some reason am in the Sepultura mood.For those of you who dont know who they are look them up,they were the first band that i liked growing up likeing (still do) along White Zombie witch later took me into Rob Zombie.I would say they were both what got me into metal and all types of aggressive metal at the tender age of 9,even though Sepultura was a mix of metal with thrash and punk i still loved that shit plus they added a tribal feel,something i liked and made me feel proud to see a hispanic band make it and be successful

Sepultura - Territory

Rob Zombie - Return Of The Phantom Stranger


Well i layed around pretty much all week,Tryin to kill some time ,looking for a new job because i really need a new one for sure.Watched alot of horr movies because thats what i do.also listening to lots of new jams because thats what else i do.I love how alot of 90's main stream house has been redone and spit out as of late.Take Bart B More,he remixed the 90's house music hit Finally and i must say he did a real good job.Has that Angello style of production yet orginal feel.IDK i digg it alot man ,check him out,i know he also did a Daft Punk remix

well i got nothing else right now other then i am gonna go watch The Unborn with some friends.I will let ya guys know how that movie goes but knowing how horror movies are now a days ,its just a cheap scare (if a scare at all) with up coming actors

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Calò d'es Moro

I want to travel again!real fucking bad.I miss the project team.In the past year i have grown and have gottin to the point in my life that if i do the Project Team job once again i am not always gonna be depressed because i miss my "girl".Fuck that for sure,maybe i say that because i dont have one now but even thought if i had one now i dont think i would even care because as for work,its work and i need to do what i need to do to gat back on track.

But its more of the traveling.If i had the money and the ways i would so travel .The first spot i would hit up would have be California to visit my family.Then then spain and then Berlin and France.I always wanted to go to amsterdam.There are too many places.I think i get it from my dad.My father has always told me story since i was a young child about how his travels to Berlin and Russia and how he lived there for a few years.Ever since he has been telling me these greats storys i have always wanted to see it for my self and experience it( even if it means going through a Hostel kind of thing lol)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009



I know everyone remembers this song for sure.Man ,when this song came out i think i was like in 6th grade haha

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Man i watched Demons for the very first time last night!I can really say Dario Argento is a mother fucking genius.His eye for gore and details is just mind boggling.I was taken back when i seen his style of blood and how bright his colors come out on his films.Im gonna be honest,i love love loveand i mean love Romero but i think thats why he is so good at his work because he and Argento are friends and have been working together for some time now.I mean look at Dawn Of The Dead.that fillm is just filled with some much detail( for its time of age,keep that in mind).From the crazy ass camera angels to the bright red they use.Thas one thing i noticed ,the red is always nice and bright in bother Argento and Romero's films. Anyways ,i have seen some of Argentos films but never the whole things because i was always drunk or high or something lol.But after seein Demons last night i went out and got Demons 2 and Suspiria.I wanted to get The Mother Of Tears BUT some one else had got it before me,but i will make sure to pick it up.I was talking to a co worker of mine about it a few weeks back and he was just tellin me about the inside story about the film so it got my attention.I guess Suspiria is part of The Mother Of Tears just like 20 years before so i am super excited to watch this shit today son!

on another note.when the fuck did Max Cavalera(EX-Sepultura Drummer) start DJ-ing!?!?1 i knew about it a long time ago but thought it was a hobby of his but i just found some of his music.I guess its him and his wife( who i must say i would make sweet passionate love to if given the chance lmao) and its a weird yet nice n catchy style of electro/dub set/house/hip hop.They have been doing alot of live stuff,i wish they would come to Detroit but i know that will never happen.I dig it for sure. they go under the name of Mixhell.

It shouldt shock me because alot of rock star people now a days are jumping into the DJ-ing world and takin a stab at it.Like Sonny,that mother fucker just straight up ,fucks shit up man.But i think Boy George needs to hang it up man lol.Now as for Perry Ferrell,i think that nigga still rocks shit .I remember when he did a track with Paul Van was just beautiful man

anyways i am gonna go .ttyl

Friday, January 2, 2009

Cant wait yo!

I bought this today!!! And i cant wait to start reading it